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Completion 02-09-2007

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 11:50 pm
by Bill Plunk
This build crossed the finish line today, but before it got there I had to complete a few things from the last update. I drybrushed some of the lightened dunkelgelb over the high points and in the different wash areas and once dry, came back with the same square tip brush used earlier dampened with clean thinner and blended in the drybrushing as a final dose of paint variation. This was then all sealed with a coat of rattlecan dullcoat and left to dry before the final weathering of the tracks and running gear.

I mixed up some Europe Dust and Dark Mud Mig pigments in water and created two different shades, one dark and one lighter. The darker shade was applied all over the wheels and hull along with the suspension and allowed to dry. The lighter shade was then applied to the outer faces of the wheels and the tracks and also allowed to air dry. The excess was removed with a stiff bristled brush followed by rubbing q-tips, sometimes wet and sometimes dry depending on how much I wanted to remove, to blend and balance out the remainder. Some Steel was then drybrushed on the high points of the track faces, hinge pins, guideteeth and the sprockets to round it all out.










