Work continued with Step 10, which deals with the construction of the main engine access hatch and the installation of the deck grills. The hatch plate, part C25, requires two holes to be opened up and the PE base plate for the AA MG mount installed. The base plate was installed using Gator Glue to allow for some work time and to insure that the holes on the plate lined up with the holes in the hatch. I used the base of the mount, part D26, to double-check that everything was lined up properly.
Each of the engine grills were removed from their fret and it's worth noting that the PE fret in this kit is not brass but rather steel, so it's much tougher to remove from the fret and clean-up. Thankfully I have a Dremel Mighty-Mite with a grinding bit that was able to handle the job.
Step 11 calls for the installation of the AA mount along with the fire extinguisher, wire cutters, and the periscopes for the different positions. The AA mount post, part D6, had a sink mark that needed to be filled and sanded. In addition, the diameter of the post is smaller than the support ribs on the base, so some putty was needed there as well to get everything looking integrated. This step also called for the installation of the small loops for a canvas tarp cover, but I've held off on that until later to avoid the possibility of knocking them off during handling.
Step 12 is a busy step, it installs the front superstructure plate along with the various hatches and periscope guards on the roof. The top hatch, D10, had 2 very nice ejector marks on the exterior surface, these were filled and sanded. The lower "ears" of the superstructure front plate had gaps on both sides that also needed putty and sanding.
I also installed the ball mount for the hull MG, replacing the kit MG with a spare left over from the DML Dicker Max kit. This required drilling out the solid face in the mount and carefully gluing the newer part in place to get the right alignment. The spare track link mounts were also installed in this step along with the inner halves of the travel lock hinges.
Step 13 is a simple one and deals with the construction and installation of the travel lock mainly. It also installs the driver and radio operator hatches which should have 2 handles each but the instructions only indicate to install 1 each yet there are holes provided for 2. The kit only provides 3 handles, parts B8, so a 4th was constructed out of brass rod.
The superstructure top lifting eyes were also installed in this step and they are only about half the width of the molded in slots they go into, requiring some putty work to fill those gaps as well.
I also learned that the Jagdtigers didn't have the rear jack brackets or jack block fitted as a normal thing, so I went back to the rear hull and cut off the brackets. I left their bases in place to fill the gaps and used some putty to deal with the rest. The jack block mount holes were blanked off on the interior with a small square of sheet styrene and then puttied and sanded to deal with them.
Step 14 constructs and installs the hull front Bosch light. This is a little tricky to accomplish because it sits right in the middle of the gun travel lock, so it's important to have left it workable to allow for a little flexibility.
Step 15 begins work on the main gun, assembling the breech and recoil housings. Initially I was going to use the Armorscale mantlet which would have required removing 7 mm from the end but in test fitting the barrel to the mantlet, the mantlet inexplicably cracked and the collar fragmented into a half dozen or so pieces, rendering it unusable. This didn't rule out using the Armorscale barrel though, it just meant keeping the DML items intact and working with them instead of replacing them outright.
Step 16 and Step 17 install the gun breech to the interior platform and then install the platform into the lower hull. The mount allows the gun to be fully movable but due to the weight of the aluminum barrel, this will be glued into position in the following steps.
Step 18 calls for the mating of the upper hull to the lower hull but I held off on that, constructing the gun as called for in Step 19 first. The Armorscale barrel was glued in place to the collar, D33, with the retaining part D32 first. D32 had 4 ejector marks on its outer surface that had to be carefully sanded down to keep its shape. Once that had dried, it was joined to the mantlet D37. This join had a small gap along the left side that needed some careful putty work to fill before the gun was ready to be installed.
Returning to Step 18, I carefully applied some liquid glue to the gun mounts on the interior and then glued the upper and lower hulls together. The gun was then installed as called for in Step 20 and propped up in position until the glue had set to hold it in position.
Rounding out the details, I'd tried to install the provided pre-formed metal towing brackets for the front and rear but it turns out they are too narrow to fit the eyes on the front and there aren't any holes on the back. With the upper and lower hulls already secured together, sanding them down wasn't an option so I went with the styrene towing eyes instead. I also attempted to construct the side towing cable as called for in the instructions but the gun cleaning rods, pat D34, are molded solid and a hole has to be drilled in them to take the towing cable wire. Unfortunately the wire provided is just a little too wide to fit through, a clear case where an AM set of PE brackets would serve much better. I will settle instead for the cleaning rods mounted with empty holes and the empty brackets also installed. The cleaning rods will be added later after painting.
All that's left now is to add the little PE loops around the superstructure top and build the tracks.