Welcome to my virtual “home” for all things model-related. I began building scale models at a young age and have fond memories of spending many hours with my father at the kitchen table building various aircraft to “fly” around the room with when done. Some, of course!, met a fiery or explosive end in the backyard while others were suspended from the ceiling in my bedroom until I had a mini Smithsonian-like collection that survived right up until I left home for college.
I returned to the hobby in 2002 and took an interest in building scale model armor after playing a game called “World War Two Online” and getting to “drive” various tanks around the European countryside. I was hooked on the “dark side” of 1/35 scale armor models and that was the only thing I built for many years until I branched out further to aircraft, ships, and even Sci-Fi subjects. It’s amazing to me how much the different genres have in common while also being unique in their own way!
I started writing step-by-step articles for publication in 2006 and much of what I have learned and continue to learn came from online sources and forums before Facebook became the dominant medium on the Internet. This site is a way for me to continue that tradition and give back a little bit to the model-building community while enjoying the hobby as an individual builder.
BP Models: Site History
The site was originally created to serve as a sort of “virtual notebook” where I could record my build notes and in-progress photos for easy reference when it came time to write up projects and convert them into articles for publication. Since then it has expanded to become a repository for all of the scale model build projects I’ve completed since 2006 and become a reference for other builders attempting the same kits or similar projects. Not bad for what was supposed to be the online equivalent of a spiral notebook crammed with notes and stray photos of scale model projects! Feel free to enjoy the Build Log Archive forum with detailed accounts of over 70 build projects dating from 2006 to the present.